Codeigniter vs Laravel – Which one is Best PHP Framework?

If you want to become a PHP Developer, then this Article is for you where we will discuss Codeigniter vs Laravel PHP Framework and also know about Which one is Best PHP Framework?

Codeigniter vs Laravel

What is Laravel?

Laravel is a Open source PHP Framework which ranks in first position in Top PHP Framework. This Framework is used for Web development by using MVC Architectural Pattern and released under the MIT license. Also this Framework code is hosted over Github as well and you can use this source code for your future projects.

What is Codeigniter?

Codeigniter is a Full Flash PHP Framework for those Users who like simple and lightweight toolkits for development. This framework also provides the best options to create dynamic websites by using MVC Architectural Pattern. This framework has a lot of security and encryptions features as well and also prevents your website from malware attacks.

Why do we use Laravel?

1) Laravel Provide Better Authentication and Authorization Option over website development. Laravel provides an inbuilt authenticate feature through which we can create Login and Registration functionality in less then 10 min.
2) Laravel Provide MVC Architecture for Web Development. Laravel mainly works on Model-View-Controller Pattern through which we can create a Perfect Business model for any web projects.
3) Laravel is Automated and provides Unit Testing Features.
4) It also supports blade templating Engine.
5) It also supports Artisan command. We can use these artisan commands for several things over laravel.
6) Support databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLServer etc.
7) It also supports Eloquent ORM and DB Queries as well.
8) Laravel provides great documentation as well.
9) Laravel Framework is a very known framework so you can find a lot of solutions over google easily.

Why do we use Codeigniter?

1) Codeigniter is a Lightweight an simple elegant framework for web development.
2) It has great CodeIgniter community support where you can get solutions easily.
3) Support MVC Architecture for Web Development.
4) Support Simple Routing Method to handle websites.
5) Also Provide cache to make the website more faster.
6) Support databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL etc.

Features of Laravel

1) Provide Authentication and Authorization.
2) Blade Templating Engine
3) Support MVC Architectural
4) Effective ORM
5) Unique Unit-testing
6) Secure Migration System.
7) Provided Artisan Command.
8) Better Security provider.

Features of Codeigniter

1) Simple and easy MVC framework
2) Lightweight framework
3) Form and Data Validation
4) Better Security
5) Image Manipulation Library
6) Data Encryption
7) File Uploading inbuit feature
8) Error Logging
9) Search-engine Friendly URLs
10) inbuilt function for sending a mail

Laravel vs. CodeIgniter, which is better?

Both frameworks are good for Web Development. We can use any framework as per your website needs. Assume your Web Project has a high complexity level and requires a lot of features then you can use Laravel. According to me Laravel is Best Framework which provides you with advanced features as compared to CodeIgniter. So In my Opinion Laravel is the Best Framework for Big Project Development.

How To Check the Laravel Version?

If you want to check your Project Laravel Version then you can easily find the current laravel version through two methods given below:
1) You can use Artisan Command to get Current Laravel Version

php artisan --version

2) Also it’s defined at the composer.json file

"require": {
"laravel/framework": "^6.2",


I hope you enjoyed this article. If you have any issues and queries then please comment below. Also need more informational articles then you can visit my website for more updates and knowledge.

Tags : Codeigniter vs Laravel, Which one is Best PHP Framework?, Why do we use Laravel?, Why do we use Codeigniter?, Features of Laravel, Features of CodeIgniter, Laravel vs. CodeIgniter, which is better? , How To Check the Laravel Version?